Ipenburg, Ben (Dr.)

Ben Ipenburg studeerde theologie in Tilburg en veranderkunde aan de University College Suffolk in Ipswitch. Hij was als manager werkzaam in de zorgsector (crisisopvang, ouderenzorg, thuiszorg) en beleidsadviseur bij woningcorporaties. Hij schreef essays en studies over de zorgsector. Sinds enige tijd is hij in de Ruhestand en keerde hij terug naar zijn oorspronkelijke studieveld.

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Ivar Smit, Bjørn (Dr.)

Bjørn Ivar Smit is senior researcher archaeology at Cultural heritage Agency of the Netherlands. He studied and obtained his PhD at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Groningen and has worked for one of the larger archaeological companies (RAAP Archaeological Consultancy) in the Netherlands. His work at the Cultural Heritage Agency at is directed at the archaeological heritage management in the Netherlands. He focusses on early prehistory, palaeogeography and palaoelandscapes, drowned landscapes, predictive modelling, general heritage management/legislation on- and off shore and the formulation of knowledge strategies for the Cultural Heritage Agency.

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Iversen, Rune (Dr.)

Rune Iversen is Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on the European Neolithic, including migrations, cultural interactions, art and iconography. He is currently PI of two research projects, one of them (Deep histories of migration: the early Neolithic around the North Sea) financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD, Grant 0132-00022B) and co-led with Daniela Hofmann and Vicki Cummings. He is also principal editor of the Danish Journal of Archaeology.

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Jacobs, Karen (Dr.)

Dr. Karen Jacobs is Senior Lecturer at the Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, University of East Anglia. She has worked on various international research projects, focusing on the Kamoro region in West Papua, on Polynesian Visual Arts, the Arts of Fiji, and material heritage of British missions in Africa and the Pacific.

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Jahns, Susanne

Susanne Jahns worked as a palynologist at the University of Göttingen, where she studied sites in Croatia and Greece as well as cores from the Atlantic Ocean off Africa. In 1995, she began her palynological research in the state of Brandenburg at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin and has been continuing it since 2000 at the Brandenburg State Office for Heritage Management and the Archaeological Museum in Wünsdorf.

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Jansen, Richard (Dr.)

Richard Jansen is fulltime lecturer in Applied Archaeology and European Prehistory at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Leiden. Between 2008 and 2018 he also was the municipal-archaeologist of Oss. His (PhD-)research focused on the long-term structuring of the (settlement) landscape from the late prehistory until the Roman Period, especially on the extensively researched sandy soils of Oss, but also within the larger MSD-region.

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Janssen, L.J.F.

Leonhardt Johannes Friedrich Janssen (1806) became second curator at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) in Leiden after the death of Caspar Reuvens in 1835. Janssen saw the archaeology of the Netherlands as his main subject, but he also occupied him self with Latin inscriptions, Roman objects, medieval murals and coins.

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Ipenburg, Ben (Dr.)

Ben Ipenburg studeerde theologie in Tilburg en veranderkunde aan de University College Suffolk in Ipswitch. Hij was als manager werkzaam in de zorgsector (crisisopvang, ouderenzorg, thuiszorg) en beleidsadviseur bij woningcorporaties. Hij schreef essays en studies over de zorgsector. Sinds enige tijd is hij in de Ruhestand en keerde hij terug naar zijn oorspronkelijke studieveld.

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Ivar Smit, Bjørn (Dr.)

Bjørn Ivar Smit is senior researcher archaeology at Cultural heritage Agency of the Netherlands. He studied and obtained his PhD at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Groningen and has worked for one of the larger archaeological companies (RAAP Archaeological Consultancy) in the Netherlands. His work at the Cultural Heritage Agency at is directed at the archaeological heritage management in the Netherlands. He focusses on early prehistory, palaeogeography and palaoelandscapes, drowned landscapes, predictive modelling, general heritage management/legislation on- and off shore and the formulation of knowledge strategies for the Cultural Heritage Agency.

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Iversen, Rune (Dr.)

Rune Iversen is Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on the European Neolithic, including migrations, cultural interactions, art and iconography. He is currently PI of two research projects, one of them (Deep histories of migration: the early Neolithic around the North Sea) financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD, Grant 0132-00022B) and co-led with Daniela Hofmann and Vicki Cummings. He is also principal editor of the Danish Journal of Archaeology.

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Jacobs, Karen (Dr.)

Dr. Karen Jacobs is Senior Lecturer at the Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, University of East Anglia. She has worked on various international research projects, focusing on the Kamoro region in West Papua, on Polynesian Visual Arts, the Arts of Fiji, and material heritage of British missions in Africa and the Pacific.

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Jahns, Susanne

Susanne Jahns worked as a palynologist at the University of Göttingen, where she studied sites in Croatia and Greece as well as cores from the Atlantic Ocean off Africa. In 1995, she began her palynological research in the state of Brandenburg at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin and has been continuing it since 2000 at the Brandenburg State Office for Heritage Management and the Archaeological Museum in Wünsdorf.

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Jansen, Richard (Dr.)

Richard Jansen is fulltime lecturer in Applied Archaeology and European Prehistory at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Leiden. Between 2008 and 2018 he also was the municipal-archaeologist of Oss. His (PhD-)research focused on the long-term structuring of the (settlement) landscape from the late prehistory until the Roman Period, especially on the extensively researched sandy soils of Oss, but also within the larger MSD-region.

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Janssen, L.J.F.

Leonhardt Johannes Friedrich Janssen (1806) became second curator at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) in Leiden after the death of Caspar Reuvens in 1835. Janssen saw the archaeology of the Netherlands as his main subject, but he also occupied him self with Latin inscriptions, Roman objects, medieval murals and coins.

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