Hupperetz, Wim (Prof. dr.)

Wim Hupperetz is a heritage professional in the field of museology, archaeology, cultural landscapes and built heritage, focused on adding value through digital media and a multidisciplinary approach. He is currently extraordinary professor of Museums, Heritage and Digital Curation at the University of Amsterdam.

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Hurcombe, Linda (Dr.)

Linda Hurcombe is a leading figure in experimental archaeology and set up the distinctive MA in Experimental Archaeology programme at the University of Exeter where she has served as Head of the Department of Archaeology.

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Hussain, Shumon T. (Dr.)

Shumon T. Hussain is a transdisciplinary archaeologist with a research focus on Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene foragers, especially their stone artefact technologies and animal relationships. He is broadly interested in theoretical innovation and synthesis beyond archaeology as a disciplinary specialism, to better integrate data and perspectives across the humanities and sciences vis-à-vis question of the human deep past, and the epistemology and practice of science. He is currently based at the University of Cologne, Germany, where he is a senior researcher and lecturer at the newly established research hub MESH – Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities.

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Hut, Margreet, van der, (Drs.)

Margreet van der Hut is kunsthistorica. Zij schreef negen artikelen over het leven en werk van Barend Graat. In twee artikelen wordt Graats betrokkenheid bij de toneelwereld in het zeventiende-eeuwse Amsterdam besproken. Twee andere artikelen gaan over de gepubliceerde gedichten op zijn decoratiewerk.

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Iacono, Francesco (Dr.)

Francesco Iacono is Senior Assistant Professor in Prehistory at the Department of History, Cultures and Civilisations at the University of Bologna. His research interests range from prehistory and archeology of the Mediterranean (with particular attention to the Bronze Age), to social theory (in particular Marxist archeology) to the use of applications based on graph-theory, to cultural heritage studies, and, finally, the history of the archaeological thought.

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Ikram, Salima

Salima Ikram is Distinguished University Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, and has excavated extensively in Egypt as well as in Turkey. She has directed the Animal Mummy Project, the Amenmesse Project (KV10/KV63), the North Kharga Oasis Darb Ain Amur Project, and headed the archaeozoology team at Kinet Hoyuk in Turkey.

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Innemée, Karel C. (Dr.)

Karel Innemée studied Art history, Egyptology and Classical archaeology at Leiden University and specialised on early Christian culture in the Near East. He has taught at the universities of Leiden and Amsterdam in various departments. At present he is a research fellow, affiliated at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Divinity in Melbourne.

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Hupperetz, Wim (Prof. dr.)

Wim Hupperetz is a heritage professional in the field of museology, archaeology, cultural landscapes and built heritage, focused on adding value through digital media and a multidisciplinary approach. He is currently extraordinary professor of Museums, Heritage and Digital Curation at the University of Amsterdam.

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Hurcombe, Linda (Dr.)

Linda Hurcombe is a leading figure in experimental archaeology and set up the distinctive MA in Experimental Archaeology programme at the University of Exeter where she has served as Head of the Department of Archaeology.

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Hussain, Shumon T. (Dr.)

Shumon T. Hussain is a transdisciplinary archaeologist with a research focus on Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene foragers, especially their stone artefact technologies and animal relationships. He is broadly interested in theoretical innovation and synthesis beyond archaeology as a disciplinary specialism, to better integrate data and perspectives across the humanities and sciences vis-à-vis question of the human deep past, and the epistemology and practice of science. He is currently based at the University of Cologne, Germany, where he is a senior researcher and lecturer at the newly established research hub MESH – Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities.

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Hut, Margreet, van der, (Drs.)

Margreet van der Hut is kunsthistorica. Zij schreef negen artikelen over het leven en werk van Barend Graat. In twee artikelen wordt Graats betrokkenheid bij de toneelwereld in het zeventiende-eeuwse Amsterdam besproken. Twee andere artikelen gaan over de gepubliceerde gedichten op zijn decoratiewerk.

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Iacono, Francesco (Dr.)

Francesco Iacono is Senior Assistant Professor in Prehistory at the Department of History, Cultures and Civilisations at the University of Bologna. His research interests range from prehistory and archeology of the Mediterranean (with particular attention to the Bronze Age), to social theory (in particular Marxist archeology) to the use of applications based on graph-theory, to cultural heritage studies, and, finally, the history of the archaeological thought.

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Ikram, Salima

Salima Ikram is Distinguished University Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, and has excavated extensively in Egypt as well as in Turkey. She has directed the Animal Mummy Project, the Amenmesse Project (KV10/KV63), the North Kharga Oasis Darb Ain Amur Project, and headed the archaeozoology team at Kinet Hoyuk in Turkey.

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Innemée, Karel C. (Dr.)

Karel Innemée studied Art history, Egyptology and Classical archaeology at Leiden University and specialised on early Christian culture in the Near East. He has taught at the universities of Leiden and Amsterdam in various departments. At present he is a research fellow, affiliated at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Divinity in Melbourne.

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