Ritual objects in Bali
Francine Brinkgreve | 2016
This is the first study to examine in detail ritual objects known as ‘Lamak’, a fascinating and unique form of ephemeral material culture which is a prominent feature of Balinese creativity. A lamak is a…
Archäologische Demographie
Methoden, Daten und Bevölkerung der europäischen Bronze- und Eisenzeiten
Frank Nikulka | 2016
Der “demographische Faktor” war zu allen Zeiten der Menschheitsgeschichte von Bedeutung für die soziale Organisation und für archäologische Theoriebildung. Nun werden erstmals Daten zu den Bevölkerungsverhältnissen der europäischen Bronze- und Eisenzeiten zusammenfassend vorgelegt und deren…
The life cycle of structures in experimental archaeology
An object biography approach
Edited by Linda Hurcombe & Penny Cunningham | 2016
The focus of Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs) is to present both the tangible and intangible past to the public. The tangible parts of AOAMs are the archaeological remains and the reconstructions. The intangible and, in…
Ancient Lives
Object, people and place in early Scotland. Essays for David V Clarke on his 70th birthday
Edited by Fraser Hunter & Alison Sheridan | 2016
Ancient Lives provides new perspectives on object, people and place in early Scotland and beyond. The 19 papers cover topics ranging from the Neolithic to the Medieval period, and from modern museum practice to ancient…
Portable Antiquities, Palimpsests, and Persistent Places
A multi-period approach to Portable Antiquities Scheme data in Lincolnshire
Adam Jonathan Daubney | 2016
Every year thousands of archaeological objects and artefact scatters are discovered by the public, most of them by metal-detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening, or going about their daily work. Once…
Metaaltijden (vol. 3)
Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Edited by Axel Müller & Richard Jansen | 2016
Op 16 oktober 2015 werd de derde Nederlandse Metaaltijdendag gehouden met als thema “van Heinde en Verre”. Er werd stil gestaan bij sociale netwerken, migraties en uitwisselingscontacten binnen samenlevingen uit de Brons- en IJzertijd. Verschillende…
Au fil de l’os
Économie et société chez les Rèmes et les Suessions par le prisme de l’archéozoologie
Pierre-Emmanuel Paris | 2016
Dans les Commentaires de la guerre des Gaules de César, le terme d’”oppidum” – qui désigne dans ces écrits toute forme d’agglomération fortifiée – est utilisé afin de décrire ces sites gaulois particuliers qui témoignent…
Ritual objects in Bali
Francine Brinkgreve | 2016
This is the first study to examine in detail ritual objects known as ‘Lamak’, a fascinating and unique form of ephemeral material culture which is a prominent feature of Balinese creativity. A lamak is a…
Archäologische Demographie
Methoden, Daten und Bevölkerung der europäischen Bronze- und Eisenzeiten
Frank Nikulka | 2016
Der “demographische Faktor” war zu allen Zeiten der Menschheitsgeschichte von Bedeutung für die soziale Organisation und für archäologische Theoriebildung. Nun werden erstmals Daten zu den Bevölkerungsverhältnissen der europäischen Bronze- und Eisenzeiten zusammenfassend vorgelegt und deren…
The life cycle of structures in experimental archaeology
An object biography approach
Edited by Linda Hurcombe & Penny Cunningham | 2016
The focus of Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs) is to present both the tangible and intangible past to the public. The tangible parts of AOAMs are the archaeological remains and the reconstructions. The intangible and, in…
Ancient Lives
Object, people and place in early Scotland. Essays for David V Clarke on his 70th birthday
Edited by Fraser Hunter & Alison Sheridan | 2016
Ancient Lives provides new perspectives on object, people and place in early Scotland and beyond. The 19 papers cover topics ranging from the Neolithic to the Medieval period, and from modern museum practice to ancient…
Portable Antiquities, Palimpsests, and Persistent Places
A multi-period approach to Portable Antiquities Scheme data in Lincolnshire
Adam Jonathan Daubney | 2016
Every year thousands of archaeological objects and artefact scatters are discovered by the public, most of them by metal-detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening, or going about their daily work. Once…
Metaaltijden (vol. 3)
Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Edited by Axel Müller & Richard Jansen | 2016
Op 16 oktober 2015 werd de derde Nederlandse Metaaltijdendag gehouden met als thema “van Heinde en Verre”. Er werd stil gestaan bij sociale netwerken, migraties en uitwisselingscontacten binnen samenlevingen uit de Brons- en IJzertijd. Verschillende…
Au fil de l’os
Économie et société chez les Rèmes et les Suessions par le prisme de l’archéozoologie
Pierre-Emmanuel Paris | 2016
Dans les Commentaires de la guerre des Gaules de César, le terme d’”oppidum” – qui désigne dans ces écrits toute forme d’agglomération fortifiée – est utilisé afin de décrire ces sites gaulois particuliers qui témoignent…
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