Matters of Belonging

Ethnographic Museums in a Changing Europe

Edited by Wayne Modest, Nicholas Thomas, Doris Prlić & Claudia Augustat | 2019

Matters of Belonging brings to the foreground critical practices within ethnographic museums in relation to their diverse stakeholders, with a special focus on collaboration with artists and differently constituted, self-identified communities. This book emerges from…

Looking Closely

Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014

Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt | 2019

Soviet archaeological research in southern Turkmenistan revealed a series of small Late Neolithic and Aeneolithic villages strung along the streams that emerge from the Kopet Dag and water the narrow foothill zone separating the mountains…

From ‘LUGAL.GAL’ to ‘Wanax’

Kingship and Political Organisation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean

Edited by Jorrit M. Kelder & Willemijn J. I. Waal | 2019

In this book the much-debated problem of political organization in Mycenaean Greece (ca. 1400-1200 BC) is analysed and contextualised through the prism of archaeology and contemporary textual (Linear B, Egyptian and Hittite) evidence. From the…

Metaaltijden (vol. 6)

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Eugene Ball, Joyce van Dijk, E. Norde & N. de Vries | 2019

Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 6e metaaltijdendag, gehouden op 5 oktober te Amsersfoort. Het thema betrof het einde van de metaaltijden/begin van de Romeinse tijd (100 BC – 100 AD), met aandacht voor…

The Oss-Noord Project

The Second Decade of Excavations at Oss 1986-1996

Harry Fokkens, Stijn van As, Richard Jansen | 2019

After the first decade of large scale settlement research at Oss-Ussen (1974-1984), a second and a third decade followed (1986-2008). The present book is a report on the second decade of settlement excavations, all carried…

Perspectives on Lived Religion

Practices - Transmission - Landscape

Edited by Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies and Lara Weiss | 2019

Religion in the ancient world, and ancient Egyptian religion in particular, is often perceived as static, hierarchically organised, and centred on priests, tombs, and temples. Engagement with archaeological and textual evidence dispels these beguiling if…

How's Life?

Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE

Edited by Marta Dal Corso, Wiebke Kirleis, Jutta Kneisel, Nicole Taylor, Magdalena Wieckowska-Lüth, Marco Zanon | 2019

The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age saw many developments in metalworking, social structure, food production, nutrition, and diet. At the same time, networks in Europe intensified and human impact on the environment changed in…

Matters of Belonging

Ethnographic Museums in a Changing Europe

Edited by Wayne Modest, Nicholas Thomas, Doris Prlić & Claudia Augustat | 2019

Matters of Belonging brings to the foreground critical practices within ethnographic museums in relation to their diverse stakeholders, with a special focus on collaboration with artists and differently constituted, self-identified communities. This book emerges from…

Looking Closely

Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014

Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt | 2019

Soviet archaeological research in southern Turkmenistan revealed a series of small Late Neolithic and Aeneolithic villages strung along the streams that emerge from the Kopet Dag and water the narrow foothill zone separating the mountains…

From ‘LUGAL.GAL’ to ‘Wanax’

Kingship and Political Organisation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean

Edited by Jorrit M. Kelder & Willemijn J. I. Waal | 2019

In this book the much-debated problem of political organization in Mycenaean Greece (ca. 1400-1200 BC) is analysed and contextualised through the prism of archaeology and contemporary textual (Linear B, Egyptian and Hittite) evidence. From the…

Metaaltijden (vol. 6)

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Eugene Ball, Joyce van Dijk, E. Norde & N. de Vries | 2019

Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 6e metaaltijdendag, gehouden op 5 oktober te Amsersfoort. Het thema betrof het einde van de metaaltijden/begin van de Romeinse tijd (100 BC – 100 AD), met aandacht voor…

The Oss-Noord Project

The Second Decade of Excavations at Oss 1986-1996

Harry Fokkens, Stijn van As, Richard Jansen | 2019

After the first decade of large scale settlement research at Oss-Ussen (1974-1984), a second and a third decade followed (1986-2008). The present book is a report on the second decade of settlement excavations, all carried…

Perspectives on Lived Religion

Practices - Transmission - Landscape

Edited by Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies and Lara Weiss | 2019

Religion in the ancient world, and ancient Egyptian religion in particular, is often perceived as static, hierarchically organised, and centred on priests, tombs, and temples. Engagement with archaeological and textual evidence dispels these beguiling if…

How's Life?

Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE

Edited by Marta Dal Corso, Wiebke Kirleis, Jutta Kneisel, Nicole Taylor, Magdalena Wieckowska-Lüth, Marco Zanon | 2019

The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age saw many developments in metalworking, social structure, food production, nutrition, and diet. At the same time, networks in Europe intensified and human impact on the environment changed in…

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