From Quarries to Rock-cut Sites

Echoes of Stone Crafting

Edited by A. Lamesa, K. Whitaker, G. Gattiglia, C. Sciuto & M.E. Porqueddu | 2023

The archaeological study of quarries focuses mainly on the reconstruction of the extraction process, while rock-hewn spaces have often been approached from the point of view of architectural styles or art-history. Nevertheless, a holistic structural…

Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology

Flat Ontologies, Oceanic Thought, and the Anthropocene

Edited by Sara A. Rich & Peter B. Campbell | 2023

While terrestrial archaeology has engaged with contemporary philosophy, maritime archaeology has remained in comparative disciplinary – or subdisciplinary – isolation. However, the issues that humans face in the Anthropocene – from global warming to global…

Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Edited by Johannes Müller | 2022

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven…

Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond

Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods

Edited by Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula & Maria Ntinou | 2022

Plants have constituted the basis of human subsistence. This volume focuses on plant food ingredients that were consumed by the members of past societies and on the ways these ingredients were transformed into food. The…

Perspectives on Lived Religion II

The Making of a Cultural Geography

Edited by Lara Weiss, Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies | 2022

Ancient Egyptian elites invested immense cultural and economic efforts in preparing for their afterlives. However, the diversity of choices open to them is often overlooked. These choices included tomb size, tomb location, and architectural design,…

Echoes from the Deep

Inventorising shipwrecks at the national scale by the application of marine geophysics and the historical text

Innes McCartney | 2022

In a process analogous with the impact of aerial photography on landscape archaeology, marine geophysics is locating the remains of thousands of shipwrecks across the seabed of the globe. This research project set out to…

Flintknapping from the Lateglacial to the Early Holocene

The Belgian Scheldt valley sites of Ruien and Kerkhove

Hans Vandendriessche | 2022

This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle…

Search results for cat-method-theory:

From Quarries to Rock-cut Sites

Echoes of Stone Crafting

Edited by A. Lamesa, K. Whitaker, G. Gattiglia, C. Sciuto & M.E. Porqueddu | 2023

The archaeological study of quarries focuses mainly on the reconstruction of the extraction process, while rock-hewn spaces have often been approached from the point of view of architectural styles or art-history. Nevertheless, a holistic structural…

Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology

Flat Ontologies, Oceanic Thought, and the Anthropocene

Edited by Sara A. Rich & Peter B. Campbell | 2023

While terrestrial archaeology has engaged with contemporary philosophy, maritime archaeology has remained in comparative disciplinary – or subdisciplinary – isolation. However, the issues that humans face in the Anthropocene – from global warming to global…

Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Edited by Johannes Müller | 2022

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven…

Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond

Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods

Edited by Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula & Maria Ntinou | 2022

Plants have constituted the basis of human subsistence. This volume focuses on plant food ingredients that were consumed by the members of past societies and on the ways these ingredients were transformed into food. The…

Perspectives on Lived Religion II

The Making of a Cultural Geography

Edited by Lara Weiss, Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies | 2022

Ancient Egyptian elites invested immense cultural and economic efforts in preparing for their afterlives. However, the diversity of choices open to them is often overlooked. These choices included tomb size, tomb location, and architectural design,…

Echoes from the Deep

Inventorising shipwrecks at the national scale by the application of marine geophysics and the historical text

Innes McCartney | 2022

In a process analogous with the impact of aerial photography on landscape archaeology, marine geophysics is locating the remains of thousands of shipwrecks across the seabed of the globe. This research project set out to…

Flintknapping from the Lateglacial to the Early Holocene

The Belgian Scheldt valley sites of Ruien and Kerkhove

Hans Vandendriessche | 2022

This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle…

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