Craftful Minds

Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes

Moiken Hinrichs | Forthcoming

The aim of the thesis was to provide a framework for the identification and analysis of individual craftspeople in bifacial flint production. Flint production flakes from replications of South Scandinavian Late Neolithic daggers and Early…

The Handle Core Concept

Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission

Sandra Söderlind | Forthcoming

This work deals with topics related to mobility, contacts and transmission of knowledge. The study of these topics regarding the past can promote an understanding of the social implications of migration, communication and learning today…

Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Past Research, Current State, Future Directions

Edited by Roderick C.A. Geerts & Philip Bes | Forthcoming

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery…

Search results for cat-method-theory:

Craftful Minds

Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes

Moiken Hinrichs | Forthcoming

The aim of the thesis was to provide a framework for the identification and analysis of individual craftspeople in bifacial flint production. Flint production flakes from replications of South Scandinavian Late Neolithic daggers and Early…

The Handle Core Concept

Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission

Sandra Söderlind | Forthcoming

This work deals with topics related to mobility, contacts and transmission of knowledge. The study of these topics regarding the past can promote an understanding of the social implications of migration, communication and learning today…

Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Past Research, Current State, Future Directions

Edited by Roderick C.A. Geerts & Philip Bes | Forthcoming

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery…

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