Fields, Sherds and Scholars

Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics

Edited by Anna Meens, Margarita Nazou, Winfred van de Put | 2023

This book is a significant contribution to the field of survey pottery studies, which is not frequently theorised, and could also serve as a guide and provide inspiration to archaeologists designing their own survey projects…

Urban Design: Cities in Past, Present and Future

Edited by Annette Haug and Philipp Kobusch | 2023

As central places of human interaction, cities influence the reality of our lives like no other phenomenon. They are in a highly complex, reciprocal relationship with changing environmental, social, political, economic and religious constellations. Accordingly,…

Urban Design. Städte in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft

Edited by Annette Haug and Philipp Kobusch | 2023

Als einer der zentralen Orte menschlicher Interaktion prägen Städte wie kaum ein anderes Phänomen unsere Lebenswirklichkeit. Sie stehen dabei in einem hochkomplexen, reziproken Verhältnis zu den Veränderungen umweltlicher, sozialer, politischer, wirtschaftlicher und religiöser Konstellationen. Entsprechend…

Digital Archaeology

Promises and Impasses

Edited by Tuna Kalaycı, Karsten Lambers & Victor Klinkenberg | 2023

Archaeology has gone digital for some time now! Topics such as GIS databases, 3D models, drone photography, meta- and para-data, semantic mapping, text mining, simulation, and social network analysis have become commonplace in archaeological discourse…

From Households to Empires

Papers in Memory of Bradley J. Parker

Edited by Jason R. Kennedy and Patrick Mullins | 2023

Bradley J. Parker made numerous contributions to the field of archaeology and Assyriology on a broad array of topics spanning six millennia of archaeological history in both ancient Mesopotamia and the Andes. His varied research…

Migration Narratives in Archaeology

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023

Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023

Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…

Search results for cat-method-theory:

Fields, Sherds and Scholars

Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics

Edited by Anna Meens, Margarita Nazou, Winfred van de Put | 2023

This book is a significant contribution to the field of survey pottery studies, which is not frequently theorised, and could also serve as a guide and provide inspiration to archaeologists designing their own survey projects…

Urban Design: Cities in Past, Present and Future

Edited by Annette Haug and Philipp Kobusch | 2023

As central places of human interaction, cities influence the reality of our lives like no other phenomenon. They are in a highly complex, reciprocal relationship with changing environmental, social, political, economic and religious constellations. Accordingly,…

Urban Design. Städte in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft

Edited by Annette Haug and Philipp Kobusch | 2023

Als einer der zentralen Orte menschlicher Interaktion prägen Städte wie kaum ein anderes Phänomen unsere Lebenswirklichkeit. Sie stehen dabei in einem hochkomplexen, reziproken Verhältnis zu den Veränderungen umweltlicher, sozialer, politischer, wirtschaftlicher und religiöser Konstellationen. Entsprechend…

Digital Archaeology

Promises and Impasses

Edited by Tuna Kalaycı, Karsten Lambers & Victor Klinkenberg | 2023

Archaeology has gone digital for some time now! Topics such as GIS databases, 3D models, drone photography, meta- and para-data, semantic mapping, text mining, simulation, and social network analysis have become commonplace in archaeological discourse…

From Households to Empires

Papers in Memory of Bradley J. Parker

Edited by Jason R. Kennedy and Patrick Mullins | 2023

Bradley J. Parker made numerous contributions to the field of archaeology and Assyriology on a broad array of topics spanning six millennia of archaeological history in both ancient Mesopotamia and the Andes. His varied research…

Migration Narratives in Archaeology

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023

Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023

Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…

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