Hinrichs, Moiken (Dr.)

Moiken Hinrichs studied Pre- and Protohistory at Kiel University. During that time, she worked as a student and a research assistant in different projects of the CRC ‘1266 – Scales of Transformation’ and for the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, Schleswig. She prepared her PhD in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS, finishing the project with the thesis Craftful Minds – Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes. Her main research interests are flint technology and knowledge transmission, especially in Late Palaeolithic Northern Europe.

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Hinz, Martin (Dr.)

Martin Hinz is a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeological Sciences and Research Associate of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research at the University of Bern. His current focus is the combination of scientific data, quantitative methods and archaeological knowledge, particularly in respect to the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Switzerland.

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Hofman, Corinne (Prof. dr.)

Corinne L. Hofman is Professor of Caribbean Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has conducted fieldwork – together with Dr. Menno Hoogland – in many of the Caribbean islands over the past 30 years.

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Hofmann, Daniela (Prof. Dr.)

Daniela Hofmann is Professor of Archaeology at Bergen University, where she teaches and researches mainly on the Neolithic of Europe. Her current interests include migration, kinship, ritual, social inequality and resistance to it, as well as social contacts and change (see the forthcoming co-authored volume Negotiating migrations. The archaeology and politics of mobility, 2024, and the co-edited outreach publication Migration narratives in archaeology, 2023). In her projects, she tries to combine theoretical considerations with a variety of methods, including bioarchaeological information, in an effort to write narratives that take into account different perspectives. She hopes that knowing about diversity in the past could help us create a fairer society today, but has doubts on whether this is actually working.

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Hofmann, Kerstin P. (Dr. )

Kerstin P. Hofmann is Director of the Romano-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt/Main. Previously, she was a scholarship holder at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome and worked for the excellence cluster Topoi in Berlin. Her research interest focus on death rituals, space and collective identities and human-thing relations in Europe during the Metal Ages. She is author of Der rituelle Umgang mit dem Tod (2008) and co-editor of several anthologies, e. g. Massendinghaltung in der Archäologie (2016) and Between Memory Sites and Memory Networks (2017).

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Hofmann, Robert (Dr.)

Robert Hofmann is a researcher at the Institute for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University, Germany. After early beginnings in a school club of ‘young archaeologists’ and several years of working in a county archaeological research unit, he studied Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaology at the Free University of Berlin between 1998 and 2005 (Magister 2005) and completed his PhD in 2011 at Kiel University.

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Hohle, Isabel A. (Dr. )

Isabel A. Hohle is Scientific Research Member at the Unit of Survey and Excavation Methodology of the Romano-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt/Main. She gained her PhD at the University of Cologne with a comprehensive study on the Linear Pottery Culture settlement with graveyard of Schkeuditz-Altscherbitz (in press). Besides Neolithic Archaeology her research interests are Social Archaeology, Archaeology of Ritual practices and minimal and non-invasive Methods in fieldwork and object analyses.

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Hinrichs, Moiken (Dr.)

Moiken Hinrichs studied Pre- and Protohistory at Kiel University. During that time, she worked as a student and a research assistant in different projects of the CRC ‘1266 – Scales of Transformation’ and for the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, Schleswig. She prepared her PhD in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS, finishing the project with the thesis Craftful Minds – Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes. Her main research interests are flint technology and knowledge transmission, especially in Late Palaeolithic Northern Europe.

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Hinz, Martin (Dr.)

Martin Hinz is a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeological Sciences and Research Associate of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research at the University of Bern. His current focus is the combination of scientific data, quantitative methods and archaeological knowledge, particularly in respect to the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Switzerland.

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Hofman, Corinne (Prof. dr.)

Corinne L. Hofman is Professor of Caribbean Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has conducted fieldwork – together with Dr. Menno Hoogland – in many of the Caribbean islands over the past 30 years.

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Hofmann, Daniela (Prof. Dr.)

Daniela Hofmann is Professor of Archaeology at Bergen University, where she teaches and researches mainly on the Neolithic of Europe. Her current interests include migration, kinship, ritual, social inequality and resistance to it, as well as social contacts and change (see the forthcoming co-authored volume Negotiating migrations. The archaeology and politics of mobility, 2024, and the co-edited outreach publication Migration narratives in archaeology, 2023). In her projects, she tries to combine theoretical considerations with a variety of methods, including bioarchaeological information, in an effort to write narratives that take into account different perspectives. She hopes that knowing about diversity in the past could help us create a fairer society today, but has doubts on whether this is actually working.

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Hofmann, Kerstin P. (Dr. )

Kerstin P. Hofmann is Director of the Romano-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt/Main. Previously, she was a scholarship holder at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome and worked for the excellence cluster Topoi in Berlin. Her research interest focus on death rituals, space and collective identities and human-thing relations in Europe during the Metal Ages. She is author of Der rituelle Umgang mit dem Tod (2008) and co-editor of several anthologies, e. g. Massendinghaltung in der Archäologie (2016) and Between Memory Sites and Memory Networks (2017).

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Hofmann, Robert (Dr.)

Robert Hofmann is a researcher at the Institute for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University, Germany. After early beginnings in a school club of ‘young archaeologists’ and several years of working in a county archaeological research unit, he studied Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaology at the Free University of Berlin between 1998 and 2005 (Magister 2005) and completed his PhD in 2011 at Kiel University.

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Hohle, Isabel A. (Dr. )

Isabel A. Hohle is Scientific Research Member at the Unit of Survey and Excavation Methodology of the Romano-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt/Main. She gained her PhD at the University of Cologne with a comprehensive study on the Linear Pottery Culture settlement with graveyard of Schkeuditz-Altscherbitz (in press). Besides Neolithic Archaeology her research interests are Social Archaeology, Archaeology of Ritual practices and minimal and non-invasive Methods in fieldwork and object analyses.

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