Fredengren, Christina (Dr.)

Christina Fredengren is an archaeologist with a particular engagement in the emerging discipline of Environmental Humanities, with a particular interest in deep time, gender, intragenerational justice and care, sacrifice and sacrificial landscape, human-animal relations, new materialism. Christina has developed the research school of Environmental Humanities at Stockholm University, is an experienced field archaeologist and has managed several large scale international research projects.

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Frieman, Catherine J. (Dr.)

Catherine J. Frieman is an Associate Professor of European archaeology at the Australian National University. Her research interests include the nature of archaeological enquiry, patterns of innovation and resistance, the role of aDNA for modelling past societies, social theory, skeuomorphism, and Neolithic and Bronze Age flint daggers. Her most recent monograph is An Archaeology of Innovation, published in 2021 by Manchester University Press.

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Fries-Knoblach, Janine (Dr.)

Janine Fries-Knoblach studied prehistory, ancient history, classical and provincial-Roman archaology in Munich and Oxford and worked for heritage authorities and as a lecturer at the universities of Erlangen, Würzburg, and Freiburg. She spent much time editing and translating and was project coordinator of BEFIM at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich from 2016-2018.

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Fuchs, Katharina (Dr.)

Katharina Fuchs obtained her doctoral degree as a scholar of the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ in 2018 at Kiel University. Being an archaeologist and physical anthropologist by training, she has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research with a special focus on health and disease in past populations.

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Furholt, Kata (Dr.)

Kata Furholt is a research fellow and lecturer at Kiel University (CAU) in Germany. Since 2021, she has been working on the XSCAPE project (ERC Synergy grant) where she studies materiality in Prehistoric Societies with special attention to burial practices and how they relate to the objects and the body in the grave context in the light of the visuospatial perception.

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Furholt, Martin (Prof. Dr.)

Martin Furholt is Professor of Social Archaeology at Kiel University. His main research interests are the political dimension of social organisation in the past, and prehistoric mobility during the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods in Europe. He is currently conducting fieldwork on 6th and 5th millennium BCE Neolithic settlement in Slovakia and Serbia, and publishes papers related to the ongoing 3rd millennium migration debate in Europe.

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Gandelin, Muriel (Dr.)

Muriel GANDELIN, docteur en Préhistoire récente à l’EHESS en 2007, est actuellement ingénieur, responsable d’opération à l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) et membre de l’UMR 5608 TRACES du CNRS. Spécialiste du plein Néolithique, son travail est centré sur les questions relatives au développement de l’agriculture et à la sédentarisation des populations, notamment à travers les recherches sur les modalités qui ont conduit à l’émergence des vastes habitats ceinturés du Chasséen méridional. Elle est également spécialiste des productions céramiques du Néolithique moyen et final du Languedoc occidental.

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Fredengren, Christina (Dr.)

Christina Fredengren is an archaeologist with a particular engagement in the emerging discipline of Environmental Humanities, with a particular interest in deep time, gender, intragenerational justice and care, sacrifice and sacrificial landscape, human-animal relations, new materialism. Christina has developed the research school of Environmental Humanities at Stockholm University, is an experienced field archaeologist and has managed several large scale international research projects.

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Frieman, Catherine J. (Dr.)

Catherine J. Frieman is an Associate Professor of European archaeology at the Australian National University. Her research interests include the nature of archaeological enquiry, patterns of innovation and resistance, the role of aDNA for modelling past societies, social theory, skeuomorphism, and Neolithic and Bronze Age flint daggers. Her most recent monograph is An Archaeology of Innovation, published in 2021 by Manchester University Press.

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Fries-Knoblach, Janine (Dr.)

Janine Fries-Knoblach studied prehistory, ancient history, classical and provincial-Roman archaology in Munich and Oxford and worked for heritage authorities and as a lecturer at the universities of Erlangen, Würzburg, and Freiburg. She spent much time editing and translating and was project coordinator of BEFIM at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich from 2016-2018.

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Fuchs, Katharina (Dr.)

Katharina Fuchs obtained her doctoral degree as a scholar of the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ in 2018 at Kiel University. Being an archaeologist and physical anthropologist by training, she has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research with a special focus on health and disease in past populations.

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Furholt, Kata (Dr.)

Kata Furholt is a research fellow and lecturer at Kiel University (CAU) in Germany. Since 2021, she has been working on the XSCAPE project (ERC Synergy grant) where she studies materiality in Prehistoric Societies with special attention to burial practices and how they relate to the objects and the body in the grave context in the light of the visuospatial perception.

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Furholt, Martin (Prof. Dr.)

Martin Furholt is Professor of Social Archaeology at Kiel University. His main research interests are the political dimension of social organisation in the past, and prehistoric mobility during the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods in Europe. He is currently conducting fieldwork on 6th and 5th millennium BCE Neolithic settlement in Slovakia and Serbia, and publishes papers related to the ongoing 3rd millennium migration debate in Europe.

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Gandelin, Muriel (Dr.)

Muriel GANDELIN, docteur en Préhistoire récente à l’EHESS en 2007, est actuellement ingénieur, responsable d’opération à l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) et membre de l’UMR 5608 TRACES du CNRS. Spécialiste du plein Néolithique, son travail est centré sur les questions relatives au développement de l’agriculture et à la sédentarisation des populations, notamment à travers les recherches sur les modalités qui ont conduit à l’émergence des vastes habitats ceinturés du Chasséen méridional. Elle est également spécialiste des productions céramiques du Néolithique moyen et final du Languedoc occidental.

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