Düring, Bleda S. (Prof. dr.)

Bleda S. Düring, Leiden University (The Netherlands), Faculty of Archaeology. Bleda’s research includes the archaeology of early social complexity and early imperialism in West Asia. He is currently directing field work in Cyprus: at Chlorakas-Palloures and in Oman: the Wadi Jizzi Archaeological Project.

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Dusseldorp, Gerrit L. (Dr.)

Gerrit L. Dusseldorp is a Stone Age archaeologist focussing on Pleistocene societies in both Europe and Southern Africa. His PhD work on Neanderthal foraging behaviour was co-supervised by Prof. Corbey. He currently directs work on the Middle to Later Stone Age transition Umhlatuzana rockshelter, South Africa. He is also involved in the multidisciplinary project “Liveable Planet” to develop strategies to develop more sustainable human societies. He is currently appointed as associate professor at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University and as senior research fellow at the Paleo-Research Institute at the University of Johannesburg.

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Eberhardt, Gisela (Dr.)

Gisela Eberhardt is a project manager for the joint research project “The Iranian Highlands. Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies” at Freie Universität Berlin and an editor in the editorial department at the German Archaeological Institute’s (DAI) head office. She holds a PhD in archaeology from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and was one of the managing editors of Edition Topoi.

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Eckert, Kenneth (Dr.)

Dr. Ken Eckert is Assistant Professor of English at Hanyang University (ERICA), Ansan, Korea, where he teaches undergraduate courses in English literature and graduate-level composition theory. He studied at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (PhD, 2011), with a dissertation in Chaucer and medieval romance; Memorial University of Newfoundland (MA, 2001), with a thesis and translation of Beowulf; and Concordia University of Edmonton (BA, 1990).

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Egbers, Vera (Dr.)

Vera Egbers is an archaeologist specialized in ancient Western Asia with research interests in subjectivation processes, sensory archaeology, architecture and the built environment, feminist approaches, and archaeology of modernity. She studied in Berlin (Freie Universität), Istanbul (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi), and Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and was later a visiting fellow at the Department of Anthropology in Harvard as well as a junior fellow at the Research Center for Anatolian Studies (RCAC/ANAMED) of Koç University in Istanbul.

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Eger, Jana (Dr.)

Jana Eger is an archaeologist specialized in zooarchaeological and isotopic analysis of animal remains to understand how the social coexistence of humans and non-human species contribute to the formation of communities of people and (other) animals in past societies. While pursuing a B.A. and M.A. at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, she spent study visits in Rome (ERASMUS at La Sapienza) and at Cornell University in Ithaca (N.Y., US:A) with a grant from the PROMOS program. She completed her doctorate at the FU Berlin within the framework of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) in the program: Landscape Archaeology and Architecture. During her academic career she participated in various field projects, i.e., in Turkmenistan, Iran and Germany. Currently, she is working as a post-doctoral researcher in the DFG-Project ISOSIBERIA based at the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute.

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Emmerich Kamper, Theresa (Dr.)

Dr. Theresa Emmerich Kamper is an avid practitioner of traditional living skills and primitive technology of all kinds, and has tanned skins using traditional technologies for over twenty five years. She holds a Masters Degree in Experimental Archaeology from the University of Exeter, as well as a PhD on the microscopic analysis of prehistoric processed skin artefacts. She is currently an honorary research fellow with the University of Exeter and teaches practical courses across Europe, North America and the Near East on various tannage technologies as well as continuing to engage in research projects with a broad array of museum and academic institutions.

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Düring, Bleda S. (Prof. dr.)

Bleda S. Düring, Leiden University (The Netherlands), Faculty of Archaeology. Bleda’s research includes the archaeology of early social complexity and early imperialism in West Asia. He is currently directing field work in Cyprus: at Chlorakas-Palloures and in Oman: the Wadi Jizzi Archaeological Project.

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Dusseldorp, Gerrit L. (Dr.)

Gerrit L. Dusseldorp is a Stone Age archaeologist focussing on Pleistocene societies in both Europe and Southern Africa. His PhD work on Neanderthal foraging behaviour was co-supervised by Prof. Corbey. He currently directs work on the Middle to Later Stone Age transition Umhlatuzana rockshelter, South Africa. He is also involved in the multidisciplinary project “Liveable Planet” to develop strategies to develop more sustainable human societies. He is currently appointed as associate professor at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University and as senior research fellow at the Paleo-Research Institute at the University of Johannesburg.

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Eberhardt, Gisela (Dr.)

Gisela Eberhardt is a project manager for the joint research project “The Iranian Highlands. Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies” at Freie Universität Berlin and an editor in the editorial department at the German Archaeological Institute’s (DAI) head office. She holds a PhD in archaeology from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and was one of the managing editors of Edition Topoi.

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Eckert, Kenneth (Dr.)

Dr. Ken Eckert is Assistant Professor of English at Hanyang University (ERICA), Ansan, Korea, where he teaches undergraduate courses in English literature and graduate-level composition theory. He studied at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (PhD, 2011), with a dissertation in Chaucer and medieval romance; Memorial University of Newfoundland (MA, 2001), with a thesis and translation of Beowulf; and Concordia University of Edmonton (BA, 1990).

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Egbers, Vera (Dr.)

Vera Egbers is an archaeologist specialized in ancient Western Asia with research interests in subjectivation processes, sensory archaeology, architecture and the built environment, feminist approaches, and archaeology of modernity. She studied in Berlin (Freie Universität), Istanbul (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi), and Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and was later a visiting fellow at the Department of Anthropology in Harvard as well as a junior fellow at the Research Center for Anatolian Studies (RCAC/ANAMED) of Koç University in Istanbul.

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Eger, Jana (Dr.)

Jana Eger is an archaeologist specialized in zooarchaeological and isotopic analysis of animal remains to understand how the social coexistence of humans and non-human species contribute to the formation of communities of people and (other) animals in past societies. While pursuing a B.A. and M.A. at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, she spent study visits in Rome (ERASMUS at La Sapienza) and at Cornell University in Ithaca (N.Y., US:A) with a grant from the PROMOS program. She completed her doctorate at the FU Berlin within the framework of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) in the program: Landscape Archaeology and Architecture. During her academic career she participated in various field projects, i.e., in Turkmenistan, Iran and Germany. Currently, she is working as a post-doctoral researcher in the DFG-Project ISOSIBERIA based at the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute.

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Emmerich Kamper, Theresa (Dr.)

Dr. Theresa Emmerich Kamper is an avid practitioner of traditional living skills and primitive technology of all kinds, and has tanned skins using traditional technologies for over twenty five years. She holds a Masters Degree in Experimental Archaeology from the University of Exeter, as well as a PhD on the microscopic analysis of prehistoric processed skin artefacts. She is currently an honorary research fellow with the University of Exeter and teaches practical courses across Europe, North America and the Near East on various tannage technologies as well as continuing to engage in research projects with a broad array of museum and academic institutions.

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